Monday, August 27, 2007

I hate the exchange rate...

So I went and put some of my travelers check into my new Deutsch account that just got opened. Pretty much like 3,000 american dollars is only worth like 2,000 Euro :( Not so happy about that. Oh well at least I have money, a debit card that will work here w/o fees, and cash again! Tomorrow I'm going to buy a new camera, finally! Yay!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

When I was in grad school in Austria, I tried to minimize the exchange rate fluctuation risk to my limited funds by keeping some money in a US bank and some in a bank there in Vienna.

No one at Auburn Bank could tell me exactly what fees or exchange rates would apply, since I was no doubt their only customer living in Austria, so I did a little test and found that I could use my ATM card all over Europe with no fees and generally a favorable exchange rate.

I also used my account in Vienna because when the dollar went down in value, the money in my bank in Vienna was then more "valuable" and vice versa.

Anyway, I am with you... it's a pain. See how many interesting cultural things you are learning about!?! hee hee