Sunday, June 22, 2008

Last Week in Germany..

Wow, I only have one more week in Germany. This year has really gone by fast. I am filled with all sorts of emotions right now. I am excited for my last two weeks of travel, excited to come home. But at the same time I have gotten into a routine here and have friends here as well. It is another change, a change back to something I all ready know supposedly. However, things at home have changed since I have been gone, and I have changed since I have been gone. I am anxious to know how it will feel when I am home again. If I will experience "Reverse" culture shock, or just fall back into my routine... Its a weird feeling really. I do miss my friends, family, Auburn, and the lake. And am so ready to get back, but at the same time I bet I have high expectations that might not be met or something. Its a weir feeling. One more week in

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